Homological algebra / Henri Cartan and Samuel Eilenberg

Auteur principal : Cartan, Henri, 1904-2008, AuteurCo-auteur : Eilenberg, Samuel, 1913-1998, AuteurType de document : MonographieCollection : Princeton mathematical series, 19Langue : anglais.Pays: Etats Unis.Mention d'édition: 5th printingÉditeur : Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1966Description : 1 vol. (XV-390 p.) : appendix ; 24 cmISBN: s.n..ISSN: 0079-5194.Bibliographie : Index.Sujet MSC : 18Gxx, Category theory; homological algebra - Homological algebra in category theory, derived categories and functors
17B56, Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, Cohomology of Lie (super)algebras
17B55, Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, Homological methods
20Jxx, Group theory and generalizations - Connections with homological algebra and category theory
En-ligne : Google édition 1999
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5th printing


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