Modern methods in partial differential equations : an introduction / Martin Schechter

Auteur principal : Schechter, Martin, 1930-2021, AuteurType de document : MonographieCollection : Advanced book programLangue : anglais.Pays: Etats Unis.Éditeur : New York : McGraw-Hill, 1977Description : 1 vol. (XII- 245 p.) ; 24 cmISBN: 0070551936.Bibliographie : Bibliogr. p. 243-244. Index.Sujet MSC : 35Dxx, Partial differential equations - Generalized solutions to partial differential equations
35-02, Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to partial differential equations
35B45, Qualitative properties of solutions to partial differential equations, A priori estimates in context of PDEs
35H10, Partial differential equations - Close-to-elliptic equations, Hypoelliptic equations
35L15, PDEs - Hyperbolic equations and hyperbolic systems, Initial value problems for second-order hyperbolic equations
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Bibliogr. p. 243-244. Index

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