Real analysis / H. L. Royden

Auteur principal : Royden, Halsey Lawrence, 1928-1993, AuteurType de document : MonographieLangue : anglais.Pays: Etats Unis.Mention d'édition: 2nd editionÉditeur : New York : MacMillan, 1968Description : 1 vol. (XII-349 p.) ; 24 cmBibliographie : Bibliogr. p. 337-338. Index.Sujet MSC : 26-01, Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to real functions
28-01, Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to measure and integration
54-01, Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to general topology
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The prologue contains the elementary set theory. Part one is devoted to the theory of functions of a real variable. It contains the theory of Lebesgue measure and integral, the theory of differentiation and integration and the classical Banach spaces. In the second part is contained the material on metric spaces, topological spaces, compact and locally compact spaces and Banach spaces. Part three is devoted to the general measure and integration theory, invariant measures, mappings of measure spaces and the Daniell integral. (Zentralblatt)

Bibliogr. p. 337-338. Index

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