Theory of linear operators in Hilbert space, Vol. 1 / N. I. Akhiezer and I. M. Glazman ; translated from the Russian by Merlynd Nestell

Auteur principal : Akhiezer, Naoum Ilich, 1901-1980, AuteurCo-auteur : Glazman, Izrail Markovich, 1916-1968, AuteurAuteur secondaire : Nestell, Merlynd Keith, 1937-, TraducteurType de document : MonographieLangue : anglais.Pays: Etats Unis.Mention d'édition: 2nd printingÉditeur : New York : F. Ungar, 1966Description : 1 vol. (XI-147 p.) ; 24 cmISBN: 9780804440226.Bibliographie : Bibliogr. p. 139-144.Sujet MSC : 46C05, Functional analysis - Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces, Hilbert and pre-Hilbert spaces: geometry and topology
47B06, Operator theory - Special classes of linear operators, Riesz operators; eigenvalue distributions; approximation numbers, s-numbers, Kolmogorov numbers, entropy numbers, etc. of operators
47B10, Operator theory - Special classes of linear operators, Linear operators belonging to operator ideals
47B15, Operator theory - Special classes of linear operators, Hermitian and normal operators
47B25, Operator theory - Special classes of linear operators, Linear symmetric and selfadjoint operators (unbounded)
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Bibliogr. p. 139-144

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