Linear transformations in Hilbert space and their applications to analysis / Marshall Harvey Stone

Auteur principal : Stone, Marshall Harvey, 1903-1989, AuteurType de document : MonographieCollection : Colloquium publications, 15Langue : anglais.Pays: Etats Unis.Mention d'édition: 7th printingÉditeur : Providence : American Mathematical Society, 1970Description : 1 vol. (VIII-622 p.) ; 24 cmISBN: s.n..ISSN: 0065-9258.Bibliographie : Index.Sujet MSC : 47B25, Operator theory - Special classes of linear operators, Linear symmetric and selfadjoint operators (unbounded)
47L30, Operator theory - Linear spaces and algebras of operators, Abstract operator algebras on Hilbert spaces
47B15, Operator theory - Special classes of linear operators, Hermitian and normal operators
47A10, Operator theory - General theory of linear operators, Spectrum, resolvent
En-ligne : AMS | Edition 1932 (Google)
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